Mohan Bhagwat: prior to British control, 70% of Indians had access to education


Mohan Bhagwat, the leader of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), claimed on Sunday that 70% of Indians had access to education prior to British rule. Bhagwat added that there were no jobs in the nation.

The RSS leader made his statement while addressing a crowd after a multispecialty hospital on the Indri-Karnal Road was officially opened.

"Under British control, there was no unemployment and 70% of the population was educated. Compared to England, where only 17% of the population was educated "declared Mohan Bhagwat.

"In addition to implementing our model in their nation, the British also adopted their educational model in India. This is how they received 70% of their education while we only received 17%, "the RSS leader stated.

"Our educational system served as a vehicle for knowledge as well as a means of obtaining employment. Everyone could afford and obtain an education. As a result, society has covered all the costs associated with education, and the scholars, artists, and craftspeople who emerged from it have received recognition on a global scale, he continued.

Bhagwat also praised the Atam Manohar Muni Ashram for its services, which included building a hospital to serve the public's health needs.

Since both medical care and education are becoming more expensive, Bhagwat stated that the most pressing requirement for our nation is to ensure that everyone has access to both at affordable prices.

We don't only live for ourselves, says the speaker. Our culture and traditions embody the idea of Sarvjan Hitay-Sarjan Sukhay (welfare of all - happiness for all)," he added, adding that people can only observe positive changes taking place in the nation through fostering society. 

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