Mahabharat, according to SS Rajamouli, will be a 10-part movie


For a very long time, director SS Rajamouli has harbored the goal of directing a movie based on the Indian classic Mahabharat. He has already referred to it as his dream project, but now he has disclosed that if he is given the opportunity to make Mahabharat, he would like to split it into 10 parts in order to truly do it credit. 

Rajamouli stated that he would put his own spin on the original Mahabharata during the promotion of his previous film, RRR and that he wouldn't begin casting until he had finished writing the script.

At a recent gathering, Rajamouli spoke candidly once more about his desire to direct Mahabharat. He estimated that it would take him at least a year to read every Mahabharat translation now in print.

Rajamouli responded, "If I get to the point of making Mahabharat, it would take me a year just to read the versions of Mahabharat that are available in the country," when questioned about his long-held desire to turn the 266-episode television series Mahabharat into a movie. I can only guess that it would be a 10-part film for the time being.

Rajamouli responded that the Mahabharat is his life's work when asked if it will be released any time soon in his plan of things. "I feel like I'm learning something for Mahabharat with every movie I make," the director says. Therefore, that is my goal, and I work towards it every day," he stated.

Ram Charan had questioned Rajamouli about his ideal project, Mahabharat, during the RRR movie's promotion. Additionally, he asked if he would cast his RRR heroes once more. "The characters I create for my Mahabharata will be unlike any you have already read or seen. 

I'll narrate the Mahabharata in my own manner. The plot of the Mahabharata will remain the same, but Rajamouli promised that the characters would be improved and their connections with one another would be added.

When asked if he would cast Jr. NTR and Ram Charan, he responded, "I know people have developed lists of who should play who in the project. But I won't choose my characters until I've finished writing my own Mahabharata.

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