160 crore have been given to speed up Chamba Medical College construction


Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu emphasized the need for strong healthcare services, particularly in rural regions, and announced that a sum of 160 crore has been given to speed up the building of Chamba Medical College in order to ensure that the project is finished in a timely way.

The CM was a chief guest at a cultural event marking the conclusion of the week-long festival at the International Minjar Fair in Chamba on Monday night.

The chief minister wished the district's residents a prosperous future and sent them heartfelt greetings during his speech. He also issued a "memorabilia" to commemorate the event.

Sukhu emphasized his government's dedication to the state's development, claiming that Himachal Pradesh has set the standard for the most advanced state in addition to safeguarding the well-being of its residents and promoting an inclusive growth environment.

We continue to prioritize the welfare of state personnel and its citizens despite inheriting significant financial issues in the shape of loans totaling $75,000 crore and obligations totaling $11,000 crore in the form of arrears, left by the previous government, he said.

He said that the government has allocated 52 crore for the double landing of the Sihunta-Lahroo route in an effort to improve the road and transportation network in Chamba.

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