71% of Indian job seekers choose flexible work over high salary 

A new survey conducted by Reality India has important results: 71% of job seekers in India prioritize work flexibility over salary, marking a shift in traditional aspirations.

The study was titled "The Job Search Process:
Inside Out" sheds light on the various factors currently governing the employment landscape in India.


Decoding career priorities, the survey placed work flexibility as the dominant factor for 71% of respondents. This includes the autonomy to work from home, adjusted work hours, and unscheduled breaks.

Just under 1%, 70% of job seekers prefer different working arrangements, including hybrid and full remote. The workplace ranked third (69%), followed closely by salary and benefits (67%).


Research shows a strong tendency among job seekers (63%) towards a hybrid organization, which allows them to combine home and office.

While large organizations appear proactive in providing such flexibility (51%), smaller organizations lag behind.

Sashi Kumar, Head of Sales, Indeed India, explains the data, saying understanding the needs of job seekers is paramount to the company's future growth and collaboration.

He points out that clarity, transparency in job descriptions, and empathy can pave the way to attracting and retaining a diverse pool of talent. NEED CLEAR AND TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION ONLY

The survey highlights that job seekers seek clarity and transparency throughout the application and interview process.

Nearly half of the respondents expressed a desire to see the detailed salary scale before applying for a position.

On the other hand, recruiters who share their contact information tend to speed up their hiring process by six days.


The survey also provides comprehensive data on blue-collar workers, with fair pay topping their priority list (82%).

Safe working conditions (73%) and measures to reduce workplace stress (49%) were also prominent factors in their employment prospects. The findings of this study highlight how job seeker preferences have evolved in the context of a changing global economy. The information gives Indian companies insight into what potential employees want: flexibility, clarity, and fair compensation. 


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