Supermodel Bella Hadid battles Lyme disease: What is this


Model Bella Hadid has been battling Lyme disease for a long time. In an Instagram post, the 26-year-old revealed that she has had the disease for 15 years.

"I have so much gratitude and perspective on life, 100+ days of Lyme, chronic illness, co-infection treatment, almost 15 years of invisible suffering, it's worth it if I can, God willing, get a life full of love from a full cup and be able to truly be yourself for the first time," she wrote in the caption.


Lyme disease, a vector-borne disease, is caused by the bite of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely Borrelia mayonii. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected black tick.


The disease presents with symptoms such as fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic rash called erythema migrans. If left untreated, the infection can spread to the joints, heart, and nervous system.

Early signs of Lyme disease include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, and erythema migrans. However, these symptoms may not always be present, allowing individuals to live with the condition for weeks, months, or even years without realizing it.


There is currently no cure for Lyme disease. However, researchers are working on more accurate diagnostic tests to help with early detection.

Lyme disease can be effectively treated with antibiotics. For early Lyme disease, a short course of oral antibiotics. In more complicated cases, it can often be successfully treated after three to four weeks of antibiotic treatment. Even so, some patients may experience symptoms of pain, fatigue, or trouble thinking that persist for more than 6 months after treatment ends. 

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