You'll chuckle aloud at the unusual horn on this electric bike, Jaldi waha se hato


Have you ever noticed how certain cars' horns play music instead of the usual honking noise? These horns never cease to make us laugh. Another video of an electric bike creating an unusual sound is currently making internet users laugh aloud. The man riding the electric bike makes an absolutely unique sound with his horn in the video.

The video was posted on the @dakuwithchaku Twitter account. A man riding an electric bike in the rain is shown in the opening of the video. "Jaldi waha se hato" (please get out of here soon) plays when he presses the horn on his bike. Someone who was traveling with this man appears to have taken this video.

Just two days ago, this video was shared. It has had over 1.1 million views since it was posted. A number of others have also liked the video. Many others even commented on the page to express their opinions about the video. Many viewers found this video to be entertaining.

Someone commented, "I adore this video so much. The finest part of it, in my opinion, is the guys laughing because it's so wholesome. Another said, "Changing my savings plans right now, time to do this." The third person said, "Best horn ever." Many people even stated in their writings that they would change their horns to this dialogue. Others have responded to this trending video by giggling in emoji.

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