Bengal's Howrah: Parent beats teacher for 'punishing' a youngster

On Monday, a distressing incident unfolded in West Bengal's Howrah, as a man purportedly entered a school's staff room and physically assaulted an English teacher. The altercation, stemming from the teacher's reprimand and disciplinary action against the man's son, was captured by a CCTV camera, providing visual evidence of the confrontation.

In the video footage, the agitated man can be observed striking the teacher on the head within the confines of the staff room, where other teachers were present as witnesses to the altercation. The underlying cause of this disturbing incident, as reported by the police, was the recent punishment meted out by the teacher to the man's child. This disciplinary measure was in response to the student's disruptive behavior within the classroom.

The man, deeply displeased by the disciplinary action taken against his son, allegedly enlisted the support of a group of individuals to confront the teacher directly within the staff room. Shockingly, the aggression displayed by the accused extended beyond the targeted teacher, as reports suggest that he also assaulted other educators who had attempted to intervene and object to the unfolding violence.

Furthermore, the police authorities suspect that the accused individual may have been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident, which could have contributed to his erratic behavior and aggressiveness.

In response to this disturbing episode, the police have taken swift action by apprehending two individuals out of the four involved in the case. Regrettably, the primary accused, the father of the student at the center of this incident, remains at large and has yet to be located by law enforcement authorities. The pursuit of justice continues as the authorities seek to bring all individuals responsible for this reprehensible act to account for their actions.


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