Karnataka has made dementia a public health priority and published an action plan

The government of Karnataka has taken a momentous stride by designating dementia as a matter of public health priority, signifying a crucial effort to tackle the escalating concerns associated with this ailment. In conjunction with this declaration, the government has also introduced the final draft of the State Action Plan for Dementia.

This significant announcement was unveiled on the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day by the State Health Minister, Dinesh Gundu Rao.

According to the Health Commissioner on Dementia, Randeep Dev, "Dementia will be regarded as a matter of public health priority, akin to the state's emphasis on addressing all forms of communicable and non-communicable diseases," as conveyed to India Today TV.

Under the 'Gruha Arogya' scheme, a seven-point action plan has been devised, aiming to enhance public awareness, diminish the stigma surrounding dementia, and emphasize screening for high-risk groups, particularly individuals aged 60 and above.

The collaborative efforts of the government, the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (Nimhans), and the NGO Dementia India Alliance have given rise to this comprehensive action plan. Among its proposed initiatives are the establishment of a dementia registry and the provision of home-based caregiver support for individuals affected by dementia. Trained volunteers will be deployed to offer caregiver services.

Dementia is a multifaceted medical condition characterized by a decline in cognitive faculties and memory loss.

Dementia has a global impact, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Nimhans has reported that nearly 90 lakh Indians are currently living with dementia, with projections estimating a rise to 1.7 crore individuals by 2036. In the state of Karnataka alone, there are presently over 5 lakh individuals grappling with dementia.

Despite its widespread prevalence, less than 10 percent of dementia cases in India receive diagnosis and treatment, underscoring the urgency of taking action.


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