Son of a bike mechanic from Prayagraj village becomes judge

For numerous years, Ahad Ahmed, hailing from Sangam City in Prayagraj, has carved out a livelihood by mending bicycles and sewing women's garments. During this time, he operated in the shadow of his father while receiving guidance from his mother. However, today, his identity extends far beyond being merely the son of a bicycle puncture repairman; he is recognized as a judicial magistrate.

As the renowned poet Dushyant Kumar once eloquently expressed, "Who says there can't be a hole in the sky? Just throw a stone with all your heart." Ahad exemplified this sentiment, reaffirming that unwavering ambition and steadfast perseverance can shatter even the most resilient societal barriers.

Ahad, hailing from Barai Harakh, a quaint village situated approximately a kilometre from Prayagraj city, recently attained the distinguished position of a judicial magistrate in Uttar Pradesh. Remarkably, this remarkable accomplishment was realized on his inaugural attempt, achieved without the aid of coaching, relying solely on his own diligent endeavours.

His journey towards this pinnacle has been anything but conventional. Just a few short years ago, Ahad diligently assisted his father, Shahzad Ahmed, in the family's modest bicycle repair shop, which also stocked candies and chips for local children. Within the backdrop of his father's tireless toil, Ahad's mother, Afsana, instilled in him the profound value of education—a conviction that took root after viewing the film 'Ghar Dwar.'

Ahad's narrative resonates deeply with individuals from all walks of life, evoking a profound sense of joy in Prayagraj as his neighbours partake in celebrating his triumph by extending warm congratulations to both him and his family.

Ahad's achievements now serve as a wellspring of inspiration for others, firmly substantiating that with unwavering determination and unyielding fortitude, one can surmount even the most formidable of circumstances to reach the loftiest of aspirations.

Although Ahad's personal journey is undeniably impressive, the guiding light throughout his odyssey has been his family. In tandem with Ahad's pursuit of his own dreams, his parents wholeheartedly invested in the education of his siblings. His elder brother, for instance, has successfully forged a career as a software engineer, while his younger sibling holds the position of a branch manager at a private bank.

Ahad openly acknowledges the invaluable contributions of his family in nurturing his dreams. They imparted the timeless wisdom of "doing less with honesty and good intentions." It is a lesson that Ahad fervently intends to uphold throughout the entirety of his life's journey.

Even today, despite his esteemed position as a judge, Ahad retains the inclination to occasionally lend a hand to his father at the puncture repair shop. Looking forward, his aspiration is to ensure that his father, too, can finally relish the well-deserved rest that eluded him for so long.


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