South Korean woman assaulted by a 'Indian' man in Hong Kong, as seen on livestream

On September 11, an incident occurred in Hong Kong in which a South Korean woman, allegedly molested by an Indian man, became the subject of a disturbing video that has since gone viral on social media. The incident unfolded while the woman was live-streaming her visit to Hong Kong, capturing the unsettling encounter with the man.

The video footage depicts the woman visibly becoming uncomfortable as the man repeatedly attempts to coerce her into accompanying him. The woman, a vlogger, had been documenting her trip to Hong Kong when the man approached her.

Initially, the man appeared to be asking for her assistance, but he later became more forceful in his demands. He persistently urged her to accompany him, saying, "Listen, listen, baby, come with me," while trying to physically pull her with him.

In response, the woman repeatedly and firmly stated, "NO, NO, NO," and even implored him, "Please don't hurt my arm." Despite her protests, the man continued to exert pressure and followed her down a subway stairwell.

During the incident, the man cornered the woman against a wall and continued his efforts to coerce her. When she cried out, "Help me," the man fled the scene. The entire incident was broadcast live as it happened, and the woman's followers began commenting in response.

Some users on social media have identified the man in the video as Amit Jariyal, a resident of Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. They have called for action against him and urged Rajasthan Rifles, a restaurant in Hong Kong where the accused was reportedly employed, to take appropriate measures. However, the restaurant released a statement stating that Amit Jariyal no longer worked for them and disavowed his actions, saying, "We deplore and do not tolerate this type of behavior."

The video has garnered widespread attention on social media, with many users condemning the incident and demanding that law enforcement agencies identify and arrest the accused. Some Reddit users suggested that the incident should be reported to the police, emphasizing the importance of holding the perpetrator accountable.

Screenshots of a Facebook profile were also shared by users, claiming it belonged to Amit Jariyal. The profile indicated that he lives in Hong Kong and is originally from Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

The incident has sparked significant outrage and has raised concerns about the safety of female content creators. Users expressed their support for the woman and emphasized the traumatic nature of the experience, with some mentioning the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for individuals who have experienced sexual harassment.

This incident is reminiscent of a similar case from December of the previous year, in which a South Korean YouTuber was harassed by a man on the streets of Mumbai during her livestream. Video footage showed the accused grabbing the YouTuber's hand and attempting to kiss her while she was recording. Subsequently, two men were apprehended in connection with that incident.


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