Florida to counter colleges by teaching kindergarteners about Communist history

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed into law a bill that mandates the teaching of the history of communism in public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade.

Starting from the 2026-27 school year, students will learn about communism's history in the United States and globally, with a focus on the atrocities committed under various communist regimes.

DeSantis stressed the importance of providing students with truthful education to counter potential pro-Communist teachings in universities. He signed the bill on Wednesday, emphasizing the need to establish a solid foundation of knowledge about communism.

The curriculum will be tailored to be age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate for each grade level, and it will be developed by the Florida Department of Education.

DeSantis's signing of the bill coincided with the 63rd anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961, the failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro's communist regime in Cuba.

In addition to mandating the teaching of communism's history, the bill establishes the Institute for Freedom in the Americas at Miami Dade College, which aims to promote democracy in the Americas and preserve the ideals of a free society.

The law also includes plans to create a museum dedicated to the history of communism. The Department of State and the Department of Education have been tasked with recommending the specifics of the museum to the Legislature by December 1.

DeSantis expressed potential interest from Miami officials in hosting the museum and emphasized the importance of preserving the memory of communism's impact on history.

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