Kennedy family rejects RFK Jr.'s candidacy but supports Biden

US President Joe Biden received the formal endorsement of several members of the Kennedy family, including those close to Robert F Kennedy Jr, in a move that underlines the Democratic family's unity against RFK Jr's third-party bid. This endorsement marks a significant departure from RFK Jr's campaign, which had sought to leverage his family's legacy despite facing opposition from within.

Kerry Kennedy, one of RFK Jr's siblings, publicly endorsed Biden during a campaign event in Philadelphia, praising the president's commitment to the values championed by her father and uncle. She emphasized that nearly every grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy supports Biden, highlighting the family's unified stance.

RFK Jr's independent campaign, largely disavowed by the broader Kennedy family, has raised concerns among Democrats about potential vote-splitting that could benefit Trump's reelection bid. Despite his efforts to capitalize on his family name, RFK Jr's controversial statements and divergence from traditional Democratic values have led to skepticism within the Kennedy clan.

While RFK Jr's candidacy has caused divisions within the family, some members have expressed hope that their differing political views can serve as an example of respectful discourse. RFK Jr himself has acknowledged the diversity of opinions within the family, downplaying any significant rift.

Despite these internal tensions, Biden expressed gratitude for the Kennedy family's endorsement and recognized the influence of Robert F Kennedy Sr on his own public service endeavors. The endorsement underscores the Democratic Party's unity behind Biden's candidacy in the face of challenges posed by third-party contenders like RFK Jr.

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