Outrage arises when a 63-year-old priest in Ghana marries a 12-year-old girl

The marriage of a 63-year-old priest to a 12-year-old girl in Ghana has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation on social media. Videos and photos of the traditional ceremony circulated online, prompting criticism of the union, which violates Ghana's minimum legal marriage age of 18.

During the ceremony, women attending the event were captured advising the young girl on how to behave as a wife, including suggestions to wear attractive clothes and use perfumes to enhance her sexual appeal to her husband. These remarks have raised concerns that the marriage may involve more than just ceremonial rituals.

Critics have called for authorities to dissolve the marriage and investigate the priest, Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII, who holds the title of 'Gborbu Wulomo', a traditional high priest. Despite the backlash, some leaders from the Nungua indigenous community, to which both the bride and the priest belong, have defended the marriage, citing cultural traditions and customs.

Reports suggest that the young girl will undergo additional customary ceremonies to prepare her for marital responsibilities, including childbearing. However, such practices contradict Ghanaian law, which prohibits child marriages disguised as cultural customs.

Although Ghana has made strides in reducing child marriage rates, with around 19% of girls married before the age of 18, the practice still persists. International organizations such as Girls Not Brides have highlighted the need for continued efforts to combat child marriage in Ghana.

As of now, government authorities have not publicly responded to the controversial marriage, leaving many to await official action in addressing this issue.

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