Pakistani court vacates Imran Khan's wife's 14-year prison sentence in a corruption case

The Islamabad High Court has provided a significant relief to former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan by suspending the 14-year jail term imposed on him and his wife Bushra Bibi in the Toshakhana corruption case. The accountability court had sentenced them to 14 years in jail each on January 31 for alleged corruption related to state gifts they received from the state depository prior to the general elections.

Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi challenged their conviction in the Islamabad High Court, where a two-member bench, led by IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq, heard their case. The High Court granted them temporary relief by suspending their sentences and granting them bail in the case. However, their appeals against the conviction will be heard after the Eid festival next month.

It's important to note that despite the bail granted in the Toshakhana case, Imran Khan may not be released immediately as he is convicted in other cases and cannot be released until cleared of charges in those cases. Similarly, Bushra Bibi is also convicted in another case and may not be released despite the suspension of her sentence.

In the Toshakhana corruption case, Imran Khan is accused of retaining expensive state gifts received during his tenure as Prime Minister of Pakistan. The case alleges that Khan and his wife failed to deposit the gifts or acquired them for a low price by allegedly misusing their authority.

This recent conviction adds to Khan's legal troubles, as he has already been convicted in other cases since losing power in April 2022. Despite being granted bail in both Toshakhana cases, Khan's legal challenges continue, highlighting the ongoing legal battles faced by the former Prime Minister.

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