Pro-Palestine demonstrations at US colleges continue, with more than 190 people detained in a single day

The events on Saturday underscored the intensifying debate on US campuses regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators, inspired by recent mass arrests at Columbia University, continued their protests, demanding action such as divestment from companies linked to Israel's military and an end to US military support for Israel. 

However, university administrations, while acknowledging the right to protest, faced challenges in maintaining order and upholding campus policies. 

The arrests at Indiana University, Northeastern University, and Arizona State University reflect the complex dynamics at play, with tensions running high and differing perspectives clashing over issues of free speech, campus regulations, and international politics. 

As the protests persist and arrests mount, the situation underscores the deep-rooted divisions and impassioned activism surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict within American university settings.

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