'Running against 6-year-old' is Joe Biden's jab at Donald Trump

US President Joe Biden delivered a lighthearted and humorous speech at the traditional White House Correspondents' Association dinner. Inside the venue, attendees enjoyed the jovial atmosphere as Biden poked fun at himself, his political rivals, and the Washington press corps. He used playful jabs to contrast his age with that of former President Trump and highlighted the support he receives from his vice president.

However, outside the event, a different mood prevailed as protesters gathered to express their discontent with Biden's stance on Israel's conflict with Hamas. Demonstrators held banners and chanted slogans condemning the loss of life in Gaza and calling for a ceasefire. The presence of these protesters underscored the contentious nature of US foreign policy decisions and the strong emotions they evoke among the public.

Despite the festive ambiance inside the venue, Biden's speech also contained a serious message. He urged the press to focus on substantive issues rather than trivialities, emphasizing the importance of responsible journalism in informing the public and holding leaders to account.

The annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner, often referred to as "nerd prom," is a longstanding tradition that brings together journalists, politicians, and celebrities. Hosted by "Saturday Night Live" cast member Colin Jost this year, the event serves as an opportunity for attendees to mingle and enjoy an evening of entertainment while also raising funds for scholarships through the association.

Outside the venue, grassroots movements such as CODEPINK voiced their concerns about US policies regarding the Gaza conflict. These groups argue that US media often overlooks Palestinian perspectives and fails to hold Israel accountable for its actions. The presence of these protesters reflects a broader trend of increasing activism and scrutiny surrounding US foreign policy decisions.

Overall, the juxtaposition of the lighthearted festivities inside the dinner with the serious protests outside highlights the complex and often contentious nature of US politics and foreign policy.

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