Six-member panel at the center will look at challenges facing the LGBT community

The government has established a six-member committee to delve into various concerns about the LGBTQ+ community, marking a significant step following the Supreme Court's decision to not legally recognize same-sex marriages and defer the matter to Parliament for legislation.

By the Supreme Court's directive issued on October 17, 2023, the government has issued an order mandating the formation of a committee to be chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. This committee is tasked with examining a spectrum of issues related to the queer community.

The committee, headed by the Cabinet Secretary, will comprise key stakeholders including the Secretary of the Department of Home, the Secretary of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Family Welfare, the Secretary of the Legislative Department, and the Secretary of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment.

The primary focus of this panel is to explore measures aimed at eliminating discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in their access to goods and services. Additionally, the committee will scrutinize strategies to safeguard members of the LGBTQ+ community from the specter of violence, harassment, or coercion.

Furthermore, the committee's purview extends to evaluating the necessity of safeguarding LGBTQ+ persons from involuntary medical treatments and surgeries. It will also assess strategies to ensure equitable access to social welfare entitlements, alongside addressing any other pertinent issues.

Through these concerted efforts, the committee endeavors to pave the way for a more inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals, safeguarding their rights and dignity in the societal fabric.

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