Bomb squad deployed; terror threat emails received by several Ahmedabad schools

The educational landscape in Ahmedabad was rattled on Monday as several schools received threatening emails, indicating a potential bomb threat. Among the institutions targeted were prominent names like Delhi Public School (DPS) and Anand Niketan, alongside others including Asia English School, Calorex School, Amrita Vidyalaya, New Noble School, and ONGC Kendriya Vidyalaya. Prompt action ensued as authorities immediately notified the police control room about the alarming situation.

Although the schools were closed for summer vacations, the gravity of the situation prompted police teams to swiftly deploy bomb squads to investigate the threats. These emails, originating from a domain outside India, raised concerns about the safety of educational institutions and their students.

Despite the tense atmosphere created by the threatening emails, authorities reassured the public that there was no immediate danger. They emphasized that law enforcement agencies were actively investigating the matter to ensure the safety and security of the schools and surrounding areas. The timing of the incident, just a day before the Lok Sabha elections in Gujarat, added an extra layer of caution.

In a similar incident last week, over 150 schools across Delhi-NCR and one in Lucknow received bomb threat emails, leading to widespread evacuations. However, subsequent investigations revealed that these threats were hoaxes, with the IP address used to send the emails traced back to Russia. The possibility of the IP address being masked through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) further complicated the investigation.

While such incidents can cause panic and disrupt normalcy, authorities continue to emphasize the importance of remaining vigilant and cooperating with law enforcement agencies to address security concerns effectively.

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