Temple managers from 41 different countries congregate in Varanasi for a powwow and expo


In Varanasi, a three-day gathering to discuss introducing uniformity to the management of temples around the world got underway on Saturday.

Delegates from 41 nations representing Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, and Jain temples are present at the International Temples Convention and Expo (ITCX). 'Temple Connect' is in charge of organizing it.

According to Giresh Kulkarni, the organization's founder, "We will discuss the benefits related to the management of these temples spread out across the world and will try to bring uniformity in the management."

Kulkarni further on the decision to hold the convention in Kashi, explaining that it is a "unique" spiritual city. "Lord Shri Ram and Shri Krishna are from Uttar Pradesh. Prayagraj, the holiest of pilgrimages, is located here at the meeting point of three rivers. There is no other spot in India more holy than here, he said.

Regarding the purpose behind picking the month of Shravan for the convention, he stated that those attending will have the chance to worship Lord Mahadev and take a dip in the Ganga river while in Varanasi during this holy month. Additionally, the delegates do not receive any time off from their jobs. The rainy season has arrived. The summer break is also finished. The gathering in the temple thins out in such a circumstance. Even if there is some reprieve during the month of Shravan, the number of devotees does not significantly decline. The conference was scheduled for the month of Shravan for this purpose.

These folks might not have been swayed if this convention had been held in Goa or Delhi, but there is a different sense of spirituality in Kashi. According to Kulkarni, it draws people to itself.

The convention's agenda is not spiritual; rather, it is focused on improving temple management, operation, and administration. He emphasized that in addition to temple devotion, the fundamental goal is to strengthen the operating system.

People only view the temple trust from a religious perspective. They simply concentrate on the location of God, the form of worship, and the priest, then leave right away after receiving "darshan." But he added that temples also house other things.

"People are unaware of temple administration, management, and planning. The founder of Temple Connect continued, "They should also be aware of the plans put in place to enhance amenities and offer them convenience.

In addition to discussing cleanliness, holiness, fund management, security, surveillance, and the utilization of cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) to thwart cyberattack attempts and build a strong temple community, he said.

In the previous eight to nine years, The Temple Connect has visited over 7,000 temples in roughly 57 nations as part of its efforts to digitize those temples. The goal is to educate smaller temples on the major temples' system.

Mohan Bhagwat, the head of the RSS, was invited to the event, and Kulkarni stated, "Both our goal and our organization are impartial. The RSS has extensive expertise working in the religious sector. In addition, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad is connected to them.

Who wouldn't want to gain knowledge from an established organization? The same is what we did. The program's level is raised by having the best individual inaugurate it. We believe the Sangh Pramukh (Bhagwat) to be a great man, and that such auspicious effort should begin from his hands," he continued.

Kulkarni added that attendees of the convention are also looking into the management systems of the Padmanabha Temple and Tirupati Devmala. Additionally, delegates will have a chance to pick their brains.

It should be emphasized that 468 temple heads from all around the nation are attending the convention together with representatives from 41 different nations. Delegates from 32 different nations are among them, and they are all online.

The convention will feature discussions on intellectual property rights, cultural enrichment, pilgrim convenience and safety, economy, crowd control, disaster management, internet events, the international reach of temples, and solid waste management.

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