What happens to the body after contracting dengue

Each year, particularly during the monsoon season, there is a notable surge in Dengue cases across various regions of the country. Individuals often experience a range of symptoms, including high fever, throbbing headaches, body aches, muscle or bone discomfort, eye pain, skin rashes, swollen glands, and feelings of nausea.

While the manifestation of symptoms can vary from person to person, a consistent observation among those infected is a significant drop in their blood platelet count. Platelets are essential blood cells responsible for facilitating clotting. A severe drop in platelet count can lead to potentially dangerous bleeding.

Dr. Pooja Pillai, an Internal Medicine Consultant and Diabetologist at SPARSH Hospital explained to India today. that, at a cellular level, when an infected mosquito bites a person, it introduces the dengue virus into the bloodstream. Subsequently, the virus infects and multiplies within specific specialized immune cells within the body.

"As a result," Dr. Pooja Pillai stated, "it generates antibodies that trigger the destruction of the patient's platelets. This phenomenon is responsible for the decline in platelet count during dengue fever."

Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is a viral infection transmitted through mosquito bites. The infection is spread via the female Aedes mosquito's bite, which typically breeds in stagnant water.

Individuals with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to contracting the disease. Dengue outbreaks are more prevalent during the monsoon season when mosquito populations tend to increase. The conjunction of elevated temperatures and stagnant water provides an ideal breeding environment for mosquitoes, heightening the risk of Dengue transmission.

The most frequently observed Dengue symptoms generally include high-grade fever, accompanied by intense headaches, often referred to as retro-orbital headaches, where the pain typically centres behind the eyes.

Additional symptoms may encompass bodily discomfort, joint pain, skin rashes, feelings of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.


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