A guy from Uttar Pradesh elopes with his daughter's mother-in-law, nevertheless

In Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur, a tragic incident unfolded as a middle-aged couple, who had previously eloped from their respective homes in the preceding month, was discovered lifeless on Sunday. Authorities have ascertained that the couple, who also happened to be in-laws, took their own lives by suicide.

The man in the relationship was identified as a 44-year-old named Ramniwas Rathore, who happened to be a widower with a sole daughter. The woman in question, Asha Rani, had a family of her own, consisting of two daughters and a son. What makes this narrative more intricate is the fact that Ramniwas had, earlier this year in May, arranged the marriage of his daughter to Asha Rani's son.

Despite being the father of the bride, Ramniwas was known to frequent his daughter's in-law's residence, and it was there that he developed a deep affection for Asha Rani, eventually leading to their elopement on September 23.

A complaint had been filed by Asha Rani's husband regarding the affair, and local authorities were actively working to locate the couple during this period.

The relationship had prompted disapproval and adverse reactions from their respective families. Subsequently, law enforcement officials believe that the couple chose to end their lives due to the overwhelming opposition they faced from their family members concerning their romantic involvement.

Tragically, the couple took the drastic step of jumping in front of a passenger train. Their lifeless bodies have been recovered, and a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking incident is currently in progress.


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