Armed men target a bomb disposal team, killing two Pakistani soldiers

The bomb disposal team of the Pakistan Army encountered a tragic incident while clearing landmines in the Ankara Dam area of Gwadar district. Unidentified armed individuals opened indiscriminate fire on the team, resulting in the deaths of at least two soldiers and injuries to four others.

The attack occurred approximately 25 kilometers from the port city of Gwadar. After the incident, the injured personnel were swiftly transported to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. In response to the attack, security forces have initiated a search operation in the area to apprehend the perpetrators.

As of now, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. However, it's worth noting that in the past, the separatist Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has been behind numerous assaults in the Gwadar region. The BLA opposes Chinese investments in Balochistan and accuses both China and Pakistan of exploiting the province's abundant resources, an allegation consistently refuted by the authorities.

Recently, on March 24, the BLA claimed responsibility for an attack on the Gwadar Port Authority Complex, resulting in a confrontation with security forces that led to the deaths of eight militants affiliated with the banned separatist group.

Balochistan, which shares borders with Iran and Afghanistan, has long been plagued by a violent insurgency. Various Baloch insurgent factions have targeted projects associated with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship initiative aimed at bolstering economic cooperation between the two countries.

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