Local opposition exists to a former K-pop star's ambitions to construct a mosque in Korea

Resistance and allegations of fraud surround South Korean YouTuber and former K-pop star Daud Kim's endeavor to construct a mosque in Incheon. Formerly known as Jay Kim, he converted to Islam in 2020 and initiated this mosque project, seeking support from his sizable online following.

Despite Kim's aspirations and appeals for financial aid, his mosque plan faces numerous obstacles. Local opposition, administrative hurdles, and allegations of financial impropriety have marred the project's progress. The proposed site's previous owner terminated the land contract due to local residents' objections, fearing property devaluation.

Residents near the planned mosque site expressed concerns about housing prices and protested online, further complicating matters. Additionally, administrative delays, including the lack of necessary permits, hindered progress.

This isn't Kim's first attempt at building a mosque; a previous effort in Daegu was abandoned due to similar objections. Moreover, allegations of financial misconduct surfaced, with accusations of misusing funds from the Daegu project and collecting donations through unauthorized means.

Critics accused Kim of exploiting his conversion to Islam for personal gain, prompting warnings against donating to his cause. Furthermore, his personal life attracted controversy, with his wife alleging domestic abuse and accusing him of avoiding divorce proceedings.

The saga underscores the challenges of religious initiatives in the face of community opposition and ethical scrutiny, tarnishing Kim's reputation and highlighting broader societal tensions.

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