Indian-American comedian ejects a nursing mother from the stage, causing a rift

Arj Barker, a well-known Indian-American comedian, stirred controversy during a show in Melbourne, Australia, when he asked a breastfeeding mother and her 7-month-old baby to leave. The incident at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival has sparked a debate about mothers' rights and disruptions during performances.

Arj Barker, also known as Arjan Singh Āulakh, was entertaining a large audience at the Athenaeum Theatre when the baby's sounds interrupted his act. He explained to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that he made the decision on behalf of the other 700 paying attendees who had come to see the show.

Barker clarified that his decision was solely based on the noise and not related to the mother breastfeeding. He mentioned to CNN affiliate Nine News that he couldn't see if the mother was breastfeeding due to the bright stage lights.

Defending his decision, Barker emphasized that it was about maintaining an uninterrupted experience for the paying audience and not about discriminating against mothers. However, he expressed sympathy for the discomfort the mother experienced, acknowledging the challenging nature of the situation.

The incident has sparked a debate in Australia about mothers' rights to attend public events with their babies and performers' expectations during live shows. The mother involved, Trish Faranda, expressed her initial disbelief when asked to leave, stating that she never intended to disrupt anyone's night.

Faranda's experience garnered sympathy from many, with some arguing that mothers should be allowed to participate in public activities without facing humiliation. Australian politician Ellen Sandell condemned Barker's actions, describing the incident as "awful" and highlighting the challenges new mothers already face in participating in society.

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