Manmohan Singh will always be a hero, according to the Congress, as he leaves the Rajya Sabha

Mallikarjun Kharge, the President of the Congress party, penned a heartfelt tribute to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as he prepares to retire from the Rajya Sabha. In a letter shared on a certain date, Kharge expressed his deep admiration for Singh's remarkable contributions to the nation, acknowledging his pivotal role in shaping India's economic landscape and uplifting millions from poverty. Kharge lamented the reluctance of current leaders to acknowledge Singh's accomplishments due to political biases.

In his letter, Kharge not only commended Singh's tenure but also emphasized his enduring significance as a beacon of wisdom and a moral compass for the nation. He wished Singh peace, health, and happiness in his post-political life, urging him to continue sharing his insights with the citizens.

Kharge highlighted Singh's unparalleled dedication and service to the nation, underscoring his profound impact on various segments of society. He praised Singh as a hero to the middle class and youth aspiring for a better future, as well as a revered figure among industrialists and entrepreneurs. Kharge credited Singh for implementing economic policies that facilitated inclusive growth, benefiting not only large industries but also small businesses and the impoverished.

The Congress leader lauded Singh's visionary leadership, particularly citing his instrumental role in lifting a record number of people out of poverty during his tenure. He acknowledged the transformative impact of schemes like MGNREGA, which continues to provide vital support to rural workers. Kharge lamented the absence of Singh's dignified statesmanship in current political discourse, contrasting it with the pervasive falsehoods and sensationalism.

Kharge expressed confidence that Singh's legacy of integrity and rationality will endure, despite attempts to discredit him. He praised Singh for his principled criticism of policies like demonetization, highlighting his ability to articulate dissent without resorting to personal attacks.

Furthermore, Kharge underscored Singh's foundational contributions to India's economic prosperity and stability, acknowledging his partnership with former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao in laying these crucial foundations. He lamented the lack of recognition afforded to Singh by the current administration, noting how initiatives initiated during Singh's tenure were appropriated without acknowledgment.

On a personal note, Kharge expressed gratitude for the privilege of serving in Singh's cabinet and praised Singh's continued commitment to the Congress party, despite personal challenges. As Singh and several other prominent members of the Rajya Sabha prepare to retire, Kharge's tribute stands as a testament to Singh's enduring legacy and the profound impact of his leadership on India's trajectory.

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