21-Year-Old Lord Ram's Stunning AI-Generated Image Goes Viral, See Pic Here


At the age of 21, AI produced a stunning, enthralling portrait of Lord Ram. According to the depiction, Lord Ram is smiling sweetly and sporting saffron-colored clothing. 

No one ever born in the world as handsome as Bhagwan Shri Ram, tweeted Dr. Jitendra Nagar in a tweet with the image attached. The Ramayana, Ramacharita Manas, and other works by Valmiki were used to make the artwork.

What is the Generative AI technology that powers the Image tool?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can produce artistic content—like pictures, music, writing, and even whole videos—without the need for human input. Large datasets are analyzed and learned from using machine learning algorithms, which are then used to create new content that closely mimics what has been taught.

Text generation is one of the most popular applications of generative AI, where an algorithm learns from a vast corpus of text and then creates new text with a similar tone and style. This can be utilized for a number of things, including coming up with ideas for news stories, social media posts, or even original writing.

Image and video generation is another well-liked application of generative AI. In this application, the algorithm learns from a big collection of photographs or videos and then creates new content with a similar arrangement and style. This can be applied to a wide range of tasks, including the production of complete movies, new works of art, and realistic 3D models.

The potential for generative AI to completely transform the creative industries is one of its most fascinating features. Artists, writers, musicians, and other creative people can use generative AI to improve their work and push the envelope of what is possible because it can produce new content rapidly and effectively.

However, there are also worries about how generative AI might be abused, especially in relation to deep fakes and other kinds of synthetic media. The ability to discriminate between authentic and false content may get harder as technology advances, posing significant moral and societal issues.

Despite these difficulties, generative AI has a wide range of possible applications and has the power to significantly alter everything from entertainment and the arts to healthcare and education. It will be fascinating to watch how technology is used and how it affects the world around us as it continues to advance.

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