Navy supports a thirty-person crewed oil tanker following a Houthi missile attack

In response to an attack on the MV Andromeda Star, an oil tanker registered in Panama, by Houthi militants with ties to Iran, the Indian Navy acted swiftly to ensure the safety of all 30 crew members on board. The incident occurred in the Red Sea on Friday, prompting the deployment of INS Kochi, a destroyer belonging to the Indian Navy. 

Following the attack, an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team from the Indian Navy conducted a thorough risk assessment to evaluate potential threats to the crew's safety. Fortunately, all 30 crew members, which included 22 Indian nationals, were confirmed to be safe. Despite the security threat posed by the attack, the MV Andromeda Star continued its scheduled journey, which involved transporting crude oil from Primorsk, Russia, to Vadinar, India. 

This incident highlights the ongoing security challenges faced by commercial vessels navigating through the region, particularly in areas where conflicts and geopolitical tensions are prevalent.

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